how to promoto your book with video

How to promote books with professionally produced videos

February 26, 2018

If you are an ebook publisher or the author of a brand-new novel, book promotion can take time. Making sure that you can see continual sales and readership of something that you worked hard on takes a special approach. If you self published you may feel as though you need to take almost a crash course in marketing.

Connect to your audience

A number of the top authors today are choosing to use video as part of their book promotion tools. This is because high-quality video content can be much better for connecting with an audience, for sharing information on your book and for easy sharing over social media and other advertising sources in the future.

Increase sales

By producing a high-quality video for your book, it’s possible to see a huge jump in sales and make sure that more people can learn about your book in a unique format. Offering of video is almost like a trailer before a film versus the traditional format of looking at a book jacket. It is a modern way of connecting with your readers.

Share book promotion videos

Video marketing has only grown more in demand through the past few years. A number of the largest publishing companies are now producing reviews and interviews with authors to promote books and spread the word about upcoming releases. Ongoing video content can be highly shareable and can provide the content that you may need to see a difference in book sales at launch.
By working with the production company you can focus in on creating the best type of video content for promoting your book. Getting access to the professional tools and software as well as the expertise of a video producer will help to ensure you can see the best in marketing results from video book promotions.

Order your video now

If you are interested in promoting your next book’s with a professional quality marketing video, contact Book in Motion today.

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